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Celadon Recovery Blog

We all get anxious sometimes but panic attacks can be debilitating. Having tools to help you through them can make life esier. Panic attacks can happen anytime, anywhere. If you're familiar with an attack, you know it can disrupt your life to the point where it can be challenging to do everyday activities.

Aromatherapy seems to be the latest fad, but in fact, it has been practiced throughout history even as far back as 3500 BC. Using aromatherapy is a holistic approach to medicine and is slowly becoming more widely accepted in the medical community.

While depression affects over 264 million people globally, it is a widely misunderstood phenomenon. Depression isn’t just feeling sad or gloomy. It is a real issue that impacts the lives of millions every day.

Aromatherapy seems to be the latest fad, but in fact, it has been practiced throughout history even as far back as 3500 BC. Using aromatherapy is a holistic approach to medicine and is slowly becoming more widely accepted in the medical community.

At some time during your life, you might come to a point where everything feels wrong. You may find yourself feeling aimless and lacking purpose, and feeling discontent with who you are as a person. You may even...

Alcoholism is a devastating disease. It destroys careers, families, and lives. The further a person sinks into addiction, the harder it becomes to find help and enter recovery. Therefore, it is crucial to recognize the early signs of alcoholism.